It's been a while since I've gotten around to posting on here.
I started school Monday. I have a MFW class (Intro to Ancient Political Thought), a MW class (Spanish II), and a Thursday night class (Speech). Thus far, I've been to two Poli Sci classes, and I am already in love with the class. It is solidifying my intention to change my major to Poli Sci. Also, my professor is awesome. She teaches the next class (Intro to Modern Political Thought) and I intend to take it with her next semester, even though it will mean another semester when I can't work during the day every day.
Speaking of work...
I tend to go through phases with work. I know I've been here too long and it's time for me to quit. I don't have any goals to achieve anymore and, well, I'm just bored. This, coupled with the issues I was having with someone at work a few weeks ago was finally pushing me to actually DO something about this. I was going to apply at Barnes & Noble. But...then I waited too long. I procrastinated long enough that things turned around, like they always do. It got better. I missed my window of opportunity when things at work were bad enough to push me to make a change.
So for now I'm happy. Being back in school is amazing. It's like some switch has been flipped for me. It is putting everything else in perspective for me.
As far as whether I will quit my job in the near future, I'm really not sure. I have two opposite thoughts on that. One is that it's as good a time as any to start over with a new job, since I'm kind of starting a new chapter in my life anyway by going back to school. The other thought is that since I'm already making changes, I don't want to change too much at once and jeopardize my sometimes quite fragile emotional state. That may sound silly, especially since I'm only taking three classes, but I feel my fears are somewhat justified, when I look back and see the things that prompted my dropping out three years ago. Granted, I am in a MUCH better place now. Still, it never hurts to be careful.
Besides, if I have learned anything about my job, it's that even though everything seems great now, that will change sooner or later. I'll get frustrated, they'll start taking me for granted again, I'll feel underappreciated, or stop getting along with people. I'll jump on the train the next time it comes around, because I know it will come around again. I'll quit next time. And next time I'll be ready.
In other news, I am officially old. I turned 23, which feels very old to me. I have realized that I cannot go back to my natural hair color because I have too many grey hairs. And being back in school makes me feel even older. Granted, right now I'm working on finishing what few Gen Ed requirements I have left so I'm taking lower level courses, but still. There is a girl in my Spanish class who is 17. All these freshmen straight out of high school make me miss UTC, when I was a freshman living on campus and I didn't have to spend thirty minutes driving around for a parking spot every morning.