Friday, May 20, 2011

I thank God for all I've missed, because it led me here to this.

I went to bed shortly after 9 last night, and set my alarm for 5:30 this morning. I woke up at 3:30, and haven't been able to go back to sleep since. I'm going in at 7:30 to take a breakfast delivery, then I work 9-4. It's going to be a long day. The good news is that today will be better than yesterday because I will be working with people I enjoy working with and probably won't be nearly as frustrated as I was all day yesterday.

In other news, after weeks of trying to get in touch with my advisor, I was finally cleared to register for classes yesterday. I'm taking four classes this fall.

MWF mornings
Spanish II- I have to have four semesters of Spanish, pretty much regardless of what my major is, plus I think I'm going to minor in Spanish. I really want to be fluent. And I have a lot of hispanic friends who can help me with it.
Introduction to Ancient Political Thought- I am almost certain that I'm going to change my major to PoliSci, and this class sounds interesting. Plus, it will complete my humanities requirement that I have to have anyway.

Monday night
Literary Heritage- I enjoy lit classes, and since my major is currently English, this class is required before I can take a lot of other classes I need.

Thursday night
Oral Communications- I've been avoiding speech class because of my great fear of public speaking, but I decided to go ahead and bite the bullet and get it over with. Plus, I don't want to take Speech at the same time as math or science.

Both night classes are at a middle school that is only about ten minutes from my apartment, as opposed to the main campus that is close to thirty minutes away.

I intended to take all night or afternoon classes so I could work in the mornings, but since I registered so late it didn't really work out that way. It might be for the best though, because I need to prioritize school over work this time.
And as much as I enjoy running catering, it will be nice to not be so...needed in the mornings. We're losing our best people this fall, and I would rather be part of that problem than be the only one left to pick up the slack.

I'm getting more and more excited about school. I still have a lot of things to take care of, like finishing the FAFSA, reapplying for the Hope scholarship, and then assorted little things like my parking permit and student ID. But I have all summer.

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