Friday, October 7, 2011

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

  • New season of The League started last night.  Since it's on FX and I don't have cable (or internet), I just watched it this morning at school.  Awesome and hilarious, as usual.
  • My two fantasy football teams are doing okay, considering I am just now getting the hang of it (I think).  I'm 2-2 and 4th place in one league and 3-1 and 3rd place in the other.  And I'm feeling pretty good about this coming week.
  • I joined the Harry Potter Club at school, and it makes me feel much less obsessive.  I wish I had the money to buy the first five books, because I really want to finish the project I started months ago, but doing so requires me writing in the books, which I can't do with someone else's.
  • I finally succumbed to the Angry Birds fad, and found it strangely addictive, for someone who usually gets bored with games like that in the first five or ten minutes.  But now I've finished all of the levels, and I don't know what to do.
  • I started playing Sudoku again about a month or two ago, thinking it would make me feel smarter or something.  It doesn't really, but it is fun.
  • I've had a lot of ups and downs over the past month or so, with regards to work especially, but also emotionally, financially, spiritually, and with school as well.
  • I started this semester of school strong, determined to stay ahead of all of my assignments and stay motivated.  It worked up until this week, when due to other issues I just kind of fell back into apathy.  
  • Fortunately, however, my Poli Sci class pulled me out of that.  I don't know how to express how much I absolutely LOVE that class.  
  • I skipped my first class this week, Spanish.  In retrospect, I kind of regret it, but at the same time I really needed that time to myself.  I'm finding myself fighting for "me time" lately.
  • For the past three weeks I have been completely broke.  Which sucks, a lot.  But at the same time, I am relying on God to provide for me, and He hasn't let me down.  
  • Due largely to the fact that I am broke, I've been trying to quit smoking.  I'm scared to quit cold turkey, because I'm afraid of what the addition of nicotine withdrawal might do to my already unstable mood swings.  I'm only smoking two or three cigarettes a day (half of what I was smoking before).  
  • I've been praying a lot lately.  I'm starting all over with regard to my relationship with God.  I want to discover this relationship for myself, without the input of anyone else, especially church.  I know from previous experience that I have a habit of letting church and religion get between God and me, so I want to figure this out, just between us.  If that makes sense.  I'm trying to let God get rid of all of the misconceptions I have about Him.
  • I had my Speech midterm last night, and I think I did much better than I had expected to do.  The study guide for the test was very intimidating, and I didn't put nearly as much time into studying for it as I had intended, but the actual test wasn't so bad.  
  • I'm giving my second speech this Thursday.  It's a 5-7 minute informative speech about the fallibility of the Greek gods, inspired by reading Socrates' arguments about training up the guardian class in Plato's Republic.  I'm looking forward to writing it, kind of, but at the same time I still haven't started on it.
  • My Poli Sci midterm is supposed to be posted this afternoon.  It's essay, and I have a week to do it.  I love that my professor believes in take-home midterms.
  • With regards to work, I don't even know what to say.  I've had SO many ups and downs just in the past month.  What I do know, however, is that when I prayed about what to do, God told me to stay here.  And that when I pray, work doesn't overwhelm me, but when I try to get through it on my own I end up freaking out. 
  • Matthew 6:25-34 has been my inspiration for the past few weeks, and it's gotten me through quite a bit, most importantly, I have faith that the people who are supposed to stay in my life will stay, and I am trying not to worry about losing them.  Especially with the one person in my life I worry about the most.
  • Speaking of that, I had a big fight with a friend Sunday night and was completely devastated.  We made up though, and since then not only does it feel that we're back to being close the way we used to be, but I realized that to me love is more about GIVING love than RECEIVING it.  I know that I will love this person no matter what, and that I will do anything for them.  This is more important than what they may do to or for me.

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