Thursday, February 10, 2011

And how you held me in your arms that September night, the first time you ever saw me cry.

I don't remember ever having felt so ridiculously exhausted for such a long period of time.  I don't know if the problem is that I really am not sleeping enough, or if there is something else going on.  I've been working a ton lately, and even when I get a chance to finally sleep, insomnia rears its ugly head.  And since I can't use sleeping pills anymore, all I take is melatonin, which does pretty much nothing at all.
So, every day I am exhausted.  And I'm really tired of being so freaking tired.

 In other news...Memphis got snow AGAIN.  This winter is crazy.  Usually we get MAYBE one snow a winter, and that is usually just a light dusting on the grass that still causes the city to shut down.  But this year?  I think this is the fourth snow.  And the best so far.  It started snowing a little after noon yesterday and snowed for a solid five or six hours.  All while the temperature was actually below freezing.  So it accumulated pretty quickly, making the roads a mess, especially since people in Memphis are horrible drivers anyway, plus they aren't used to winter.
And then today it thawed.  It's still below freezing, but with the stupid sun the majority of the snow is gone.  The roads, which were horrible this morning are now clear.  I am very disappointed.  I wanted to go sledding, but I took a nap instead yesterday, assuming that the snow would still be there today.  By the time I got off work today about two, there wasn't enough snow left to sled on.
And to anyone reading this who lives some place that has an actual winter, I know that 9.4 inches of snow over the course of the entire season is something to laugh at, but this is Memphis.  This just doesn't happen here.

Me?  I'm doing okay.  Grey's Anatomy is once again offering me all kinds of insight into my life.  Depression is pretty much in check.  Work is going okay.  Not great or anything, but everything is okay.  I'm taking everything one day at a time.  It's all I can do.

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